Saturday, 16 December 2017



A Daily Marital Devotional

Pst Richard Minet

Saturday 16th Dec 2017

Gen. 3:1-4
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. AND HE SAID UNTO THE WOMAN, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the SERPENT...,

The devil our arch enemy does nothing without an aim, note carefully the words in our text;  Now the serpent was MORE SUBTLE than any beast of the field,...; Don't you get it, Satan's move in addressing Eve in the garden instead of Adam the head of the home could not have been ordinary, it must have been a ploy to carry out his subtility, if indeed he was very subtle, then engaging Eve must have been a calculated move to take advantage of her.

One of the most remarkable but successful damaging blows the enemy has been dealing to marriages and relationships is that of swerving of marital roles. The devil knows all that is needed to destroy anything created by God is a little mix up, just a little tampering or readjustment of God's order (formula) and what you have left is DISORDERLINESS.

Understanding your roles in life makes you a role model for life. In marriage, a man and a woman both have roles which clearly defines their place in life, swerving them is but an aberration. Our first parents lost their glory and beautiful home because of this error. Remember the woman had not been made when God gave Adam the instruction concerning the garden, but when the serpent came, rather than take his place to address it, Adam swerved that role to the woman without proper delegation and then the fall.

The quest in women playing the role of men is innate and unknown to us, subtly leads to disorderliness and usurping the place of the man, it did not begin today and believe it or not the dysfunction and damage it has created in homes unknown to us, will not end today either.

Tit. 2:4-5
That they may TEACH the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, KEEPERS AT HOME, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

The above scripture shows the core duty of a woman; TO KEEP THE HOME, not the OFFICE, while this may not be rationale to us today, scripture states that anything otherwise, results in blasphemy of the word and reason we will continue to have problems in marriages. While this is not an attempt to discourage women from the market place, it is to simply encourage her to know that no matter how long or hard she works, the duty of KEEPING THE HOME, which is first why she is with the man in the market place must not be abandoned or swerved.

Like Adam, the failure of us men in our duty of providing leadership, victuals and security is what has led the womenfolk to take up the challenge of doing it better, but this was not God's original design. Hence the slogan; what a man can do, a woman can do better. Both this as well as the gender equality agenda has not only made us swerve roles but has ended up turning many women into the leaders of the home. We are usurping authority instead of representing it. Today's woman has unknowingly become the man, they talk, exercise control, make and take the decisions in place of the man, what we do not know is that every time we resist a man's authority (order) we not only resist ordinance but invite problem because ORDER is a function of ORDINANCE.

Rom. 13:2
Whosoever therefore resisteth the POWER, resisteth the ORDINANCE of God: and they that resist shall RECEIVE to themselves damnation.

Action Point:
Ask yourself;
As a man, what are the resources at your disposal that makes you think you qualify to lead your wife, if she's better placed than you.
As a woman, how willing and happy are you at the thought of submitting your body and career to and for your husband.


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Richard Minet is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. A speaker, A Human Capital Developer/Empowerment Speaker. He is currently the a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Lagos Province xi. Tel: 08024668915, 07065718645 Email:



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Hello, my name is Richard Minet. A Speaker, author, teacher and Coach. I'm the convener of Singles and Married Summit. A Lagos based Outreach dedicated to preserving integrity and Christian values in relationships and fostering marital bliss across the nation.
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