Showing posts with label MARRIAGE-MATICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MARRIAGE-MATICS. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 February 2018

HAVE YOU NOT READ_(A way to offer help to the confused solution seeking Couples)_SMS-MARRIAGE-MATICS

(A way to offer help to the confused solution seeking Couples)


  • Jesus asking the confused solution seeking leaders of Israel; “HAVE YE NOT READ?”. 
  • God's help or solution to our various marital problems which is READING.
  • What an irony!
  • Our generation is fast losing the reading culture.

Matt. 19:3
The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

In answering the questions of the Pharisees in relation to solving the problems that could lead to divorce in marriage, Jesus asked them; “HAVE YE NOT READ?” What a way to offer help to the confused solution seeking leaders of Israel.

God has no help, neither is there any solution anywhere to our various marital problems aside READING, and not just reading of any book but books that are intentional and by tested authors, these are very key in solving marital problems.
I have organized as well as have been invited to several marriage seminars, couples programs, conferences and church meetings where I ask those married to stand, then I ask for those married up to ten years to indicate, sometimes you have about thirty couples, then I ask for those who have read up to 10 books in those 10 years to sit down, surprisingly, in most of these cases, not one. Then I ask for those who have read up to 5 books and maybe 1 person and finally we maybe have 3 couples by the time I come down to those who have read up to 3 books in 10 years.

What an irony. 3 books in ten years? Can you see why our generation is failing in keeping a happy, healthy and gratifying marriage? Going by what Jesus said, about reading being the solution to marital problems and yet our attitude to it, would it not be reason enough for us to be witnessing what we see today?

Can you believe that some of us have been saved now over 10 years but have never been able to read up to 5 books in our entire 10 years of being saved? What a salvation.
In the book of Daniel 9:2, Daniel said *“...I UNDERSTOOD BY BOOKS... ”.*Like Daniel, there are several issues of life and marriage that you will never understand till you also read. God takes pleasure to hide life’s secrets, and only those who search them, discover and enjoy the hidden glory.

Prov. 25:2
*It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of Kings is to search out a matter.*
If you refuse to read, the things you will never know or understand will be countless, things like; Why your marriage is the way it is, why your wife is behaving like she is, why your husband cannot love you like other husbands, etc. Believe me, until you start reading, your marriage will do nothing but cooperate with life to be reading you instead, but if you start reading, watch it, your profiting will become evident, it won't be long before you start enjoying a leading marriage, and why? Because ALL READERS ARE NATURAL LEADERS.

Benefits of reading are numerous, key among them are the fact that (a) It exercises and engages our brain/imagination (b) It improves our concentration, taking our minds off our troubles. (c) It informs us about the world around us. (d) Improves the quality of our conversation and communication skills. (e) Develop our imagination and stimulate our creativity. (f) Helps couples to spend quality time together. (g) Achieve better in life. (h) It helps you to tap into the mind of creative thinkers and the lifestyle and testimony of godly leaders. (i) It helps improve your health as well as enable you solve problems better; the list is endless

Our generation is fast losing the reading culture, we are an audio visual generation, we would rather watch than read and sadly, not even life transforming videos but just entertainment and gossips

While it is not bad to watch these, videos must NEVER replace the values of reading. It’s time we start reading, couples and those in courtship who wish to have better relationships must BEGIN TO READ, and reading the right books. *COUPLES MUST READ TOGETHER,*And if you don’t READ, be sure your life and marriage will remain RED, so INTENTIONALLY make out time to READ, Because *HE WHO DOES NOT READ, HAVE NO ADVANTAGE OVER HE WHO CANNOT READ!*
@SMS With PRM    #Marriage-Matics

1. In the last 5 years, how many books have you read? How would you rate yourself, Good, Poor or Bad?
2. Is it true that reading can help solve most of our relationship and marriage problems? State 5 ways that you think reading can be used to achieve this.

Friday, 9 February 2018


By Pastor Richard Minet

(A Godly Woman of Action)


  • People marrying those they know little or nothing about.
  • Isaac's marriage a comforting one for several reasons.
  • The miracles and the mercies of God are exclusively his prerogative.
  • Know the person you want to marry well enough.
  • Anyone marrying you has a right to your past

Gen. 24:15-16
And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder. And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.

It amazes me today how people marry those they know little or nothing about. "He's a nice guy, he's even a chorister", go ahead and ask for the name of his church, and she goes; "ehmm, it's something Power and something Fire church like that". What of his father, and she goes; 'he said he and his father have not spoken for years", ask her why? Again she goes; "he said, one prophet told them his father is a  wizard, so he doesn't want anything to do with him", and you are already fixing wedding date; quite amazing!

Isaac's marriage was a comforting one for several reasons, one of which is the fact that his marriage was never ventured without first knowing his Rebekah well enough. From her father, to her grandfather, to her other families, what she does, and looks like, and then to who she is on the ground not on facebook or by one half snapped picture, and there was no discussion about wedding until they had first cleared all of these; they screened her RESUME. It's there, look at it, nothing hidden, very crystal clear for all to see.

And Rebekah came out, who was:

You can't go through such a resume, even as short as it seem and still need ask further questions about who this Rebekah is. Her past, family tree, personality and present occupation, were all spelt out.
It's strange how our youths today meet somebody and under 2 months they are already planning marriage and sadly against the wish or amidst the fear of those who are authorities over them.

A dear son of mine wedded sometime ago, and several people wondered why I refused to attend when they know I was his father and I told one of those who cared to ask, that I didn't attend because right from when he met the sister till that day, he kept on promising to bring her on request but never did. So I asked him, if I come to that wedding and you ask me where the lady is from and I say I don't know, again you ask me who her family are or what she does, and I say, I've not asked her, how would you rate my type of fatherhood, that would really underrate me don't you think?

Whilst it is true that nothing is impossible with God, and that by a miracle or mercy of God, such quick marriage can happen. Sister, Brother, how can you possibly build your life on something that you have no control over. The miracles and the mercies of God are exclusively his prerogative, he does it when he wants and gives his mercy to whomsoever he wills, that doesn't have your name on it, does it? Rather than be looking for a miracle marriage, why not go for the one you are certain of, while you expect his miracle.

Why are you in such a hurry? How can you claim you know him so well, when all you know are the things he told you and perhaps the fact that he is nice or that she loves the lord. What about his past, his school, his past places of work, what about her friends, her challenges, past relationships, personal and intricate issues that should be known?
And, oh yes, I've not forgotten about 2Cor. 5:17,
...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; behold, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW.

Well as old as  the past is, how would you take it if after marriage you later found out your wife has a kid but never told you? What about visiting your doctor only to find out she's done 3 abortions with your doctor which created complications in her womb and you are just learning of it? Oh, maybe these are extremes, how about she visits you in your new place of work only for you discover she dated your boss for 4 years and everybody in the office knows and are still relating with your wife as their boss' woman? I'm sure you'll just tell them, old things are past away, you won't be shocked, right?

Please, know the person you want to marry well enough. In The Redeemed Christian Church of God, we go as far as carrying out a due diligence, not because we don't trust you but to help safeguard your future. And why get angry if you have no skeleton in your cupboard.

Anyone marrying you has a right to your past because they are also marrying your past and if they can't accept you with your past, please let the fellow go, don't try hiding anything because, if eventually he/she finds out, it may be worse then. While this is not about exposing your past to every dick and Harry, a person who loves enough to want to marry you but can't face or accept your past is not worthy of your future.
What do you know about your Rebekah,  are they the things he told you or his resume? Go beyond words and acts, get a hold of their CV.

1 Thess. 5:12
And we BESEECH you, brethren, TO KNOW THEM which labour among you...

1. Write out 5 things you consider key, that you should know about a person before marriage.
2. What time do you consider appropriate to open your past to a suitor, from start, middle or just before the marriage?

Thursday, 8 February 2018




  • Investigation shows that some vendors sell sex toys worth millions of naira every month.
  • The growing popularity of these sex robots raises many ethical issues.
  • How can anyone speak of forming a "bond" with their lifeless dolls.
  • Without Natural Affection.
  • Pursuit of sexual passion is very damaging to the soul.

Rom. 1:24, 28, 31.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

In the midst of the biting economic crisis, forcing many Nigerians to go as far as committing
suicide, a sub-sector of the Nigerian economy has been reported by Saturday's PUNCH to be booming with smiles to the bank, courtesy of people lacking sexual fulfillment, married and singles alike. Their investigation shows that some vendors sell sex toys worth millions of naira every month.

Sex robots are not only here to stay, but are becoming big business and increasingly sophisticated. Today, there are dolls that respond to touch, and others made with a promise to offer emotional connection. Those buying can either go for a customised one or select from a range of ready-made personalities, such as dolls that are kind, shy, witty, daring or naive. There are a variety of porn-inspired silicone dolls, some with freckles, different eye colours, piercings and even some with manicured nails, the list is endless.

The growing popularity of these sex robots raises many ethical issues, but it also forces us to ask questions about the very nature of sex. What exactly is sex for? Is it merely the acquisition of pleasure or a mechanism for orgasm, or is it something one experiences with another person? While it's true that sex does not necessarily involve intimacy or meaningful connection, and is certainly not always mutually beneficial, mutuality remains it's key factor.
God created sex exclusively to be enjoyed by two married humans.

1 Cor. 7:2-3.
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

Looking at this, how can anyone speak of forming a "bond" with their lifeless dolls. A man claimed; "I am starting to forge a real relationship with my girls", while another argued, "It may be just a sex toy to some, but my doll is way more than a mere sex doll to me."
There are men and women who, despite being married, who prefer sex with their dolls to their living partners, who unlike these dolls, they claim are complex to manage with their own interests, feelings and lives. Dolls, on the other hand, have no particular expectation, they have no needs to be met and no free will to be exercised. You ALWAYS have their full attention,". Someone said It's just nice to know that there is someone waiting on me without any demands... She can't talk but at least she looks good sitting there watching TV, something his wife "would only do for a few minutes, then find things to be upset about."

But could anything exactly be wrong with this trend? Yes, several things. First is the danger that priority is being given to personal pleasure, as harmless as it may seem, when people pursue pleasure, when sensual gratification becomes our drive, we unconsciously become morally reprehensive, VILE, despicable in affection; Rom. 1:31, SAYS we become; *... 

WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION...,* that is to say, things created by God for our good, no longer holds attraction for us, things like sex that is designed to satisfy a need between a married couples *"Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does" I Cor. 7:3-4, are given over to toys and robots, these now come to replace our duty of satisfying our partners, thereby creating a hole in the hedge of the unity in marriage. Again, scripture says we become; "... *Without understanding,* with our affection diverted, 

We are now *WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION*and when this happens we become; implacable that is, nothing natural can any longer assuage, appease or pacify our deadly hunger and lust, and what follows, we become; *'vain in our imaginations, and this causes our foolish hearts to become darkened". (Rom. 1:21) Professing to be wise, we became fools,* (22) *And then we change the glory of the uncorruptible God into images* (toys, dolls, machines. (23) Now through *the lusts of our own hearts, we DISHONOR OUR OWN BODIES between ourselves, by changing the NATURAL USE into that which is AGAINST NATURE,* (25-26) If we don't stop now, a time will come when humans will be *LEAVING THE NATURAL USE OF THE WOMAN*and vice versa, this is Satan's plot, that we *"BURN IN OUR LIST*(27) And through our *REPROBATE MIND, to do THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT CONVENIENT;* (30)

Friends, if we allow self gratification, our affection tends to get totally distracted from matters of righteousness and this is against God's plan for us. *"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to POSSESS HIS OWN VESSEL in sanctification and honor, not in PASSION OF LUST, like the Gentiles who do not know God" 1Thess. 4:3-5.

Pursuit of sexual passion is very damaging to the soul. A single person in need of a sexual toy for stimulation is nothing short of pursuit of pure passion. Aside from it being a sin, there is a danger that one who becomes dependent on these tools in order to enjoy sex may never know the joys of true sex in marriage, same for the married couple.

@SMS With PRM    #Marriage-Matics

1. Do you consider the use of sex toys among married couples wrong or dangerous?
2. If you do, please state 4 reasons behind your reasons.

Kindly drop your comments below.




  • Sex Toys and machines fast replacing the use of the natural sex gratification.
  • Devil's targeting the marriage institution.
  • Satan trying to CORRUPT THE SEED.
  • Affection and attention given to toys and phones are pathetic, straining and damaging several relationships.

Rom. 1:21, 24, 26-28.
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to DISHONOR THEIR OWN BODIES between themselves: For this cause God gave them up unto VILE AFFECTIONS: for even their women did CHANGE THE NATURAL USE into that which is AGAINST NATURE: And likewise also the men, LEAVING THE NATURAL USE OF THE WOMAN, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly..., without understanding, covenant breakers, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, implacable, unmerciful:

The rate at which the world is becoming more and more attached and used to unnatural uses, is very alarming and worrisome. Several things we see are no more real. From material affection, to human body parts, to body uses, even to body and soul gratification, nothing seems natural or real any more.

The rate at which toys and machines are fast replacing the use of the natural, especially in sex gratification among even the married is even more pathetic. But what exactly is the rational behind all of these?

First, is the fact that the devil's target is the marriage institution, Satan hates family, because it is the bedrock of any sane society. His attack on the family, dates back to our first parent, when God told the devil about the seed of the woman coming to bruise his head, from that point, Satan declared war against the family (marriage) institution, because this is the only organ through which the seed can be produced.

A careful look at scriptures, shows a major master plan of Satan in the actualization of this quest; to CORRUPT THE SEED, Satan knows once anything is corrupted, it loses its potent and purpose. So in Genesis 6:4, Satan made his first move, he sent angels in the form of men, and why? to copulate with humans thereby giving birth to children who wouldn't be pure (REAL, NATURAL) breeds but crossed. 

In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children (giants) who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.

Want to know what's going on here? CORRUPTION, a plot to cross breed all humans and thereby destroy the coming seed. Hence, the reason the angels took as many women as they desired, Gen. 6:2, "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they TOOK THEM WIVES OF ALL WHICH THEY CHOSE*. One angel taking as many as possible was to quickly accomplish their task, which they actually almost did; *"And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; FOR ALL FLESH HAD CORRUPTED his way upon the earth. Gen. 6:12

The corruption here is not just of doing evil but also of human nature, Satan was about done eradicating real breeds, reason also God spared none of them.
Not long after, Satan revisited this mandate, this time, through the use of sex, not normal sex, but humans burning after their kind.

Gen  19:4-5
But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both OLD AND YOUNG, ALL THE PEOPLE FROM EVERY QUARTER: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that WE MAY KNOW (Have sexual intercourse with) them.*
Regardless of the plea of Lot to excuse this men, even offering to give his daughter they refused, demanding only to sleep with their kind, Satan again causing men to pursue unnatural uses.

Whenever men begin to leave natural uses for whatever reasons, aside the desire for personal pleasure,  Satan is after one thing to destroy all that is real. Marriages are collapsing, families are falling apart, relationships are being daily strained because people are deriving pleasure from toys, dolls, gadgets, machines, etc, rather than from fellow humans.

The kind of affection and attention we give to toys and phones today is not only pathetic but straining and damaging several relationships, if we gave that to our spouses, it will make a lot of difference. Today, most ladies would rather talk to a doll, while husbands have sex with toys, rather than with their spouses. Satan is gradually diverting our attention to carnal gratification. We would rather spend time transforming and recreating ourselves into terrible images, like cats, dogs, tigers, etc, giving ourselves horns, hairs, and what have you, with snapshots, rather than allow real life transforming changes. This is demonic and a clear instinct of a liking for unnatural uses as well as abuse of self via phone snapshots. 

Please stop this Satanic game. Can't you see how Satan is robbing you of everything that is true and natural? Can you imagine the amount of money and attention they put into such things, and now they have graduated into performing all kinds of surgery, hip, stomach, nose, face, etc, just to change their looks and those who can't afford this expense, go for bleaching creams to change their skin color or buy different artificial body parts that they now wear, like hips, bust, buttocks, etc, these are nothing but deviations from the natural. 

Today most men enjoy sex better with dolls while the women, with toys. Something must be terribly wrong with us. Can't you see Satan at work again? How can anyone claim to be focused on what is real and be so passionate about such things. You can't be building the spiritual and be so focused on the ephemeral, you will not only be giving yourself to VILE AFFECTIONS but be DISHONORING YOUR BODY. Note this, the more artificial you put on, the more of your fleshly desires you will be gratifying.

1. Name 4 things that can be considered as unnatural uses.
2. What makes relating with dolls unseemly or the use of toys for sex lustful and wrong?

Kindly drop your answers below.. Thank you and God bless you

Thursday, 18 January 2018

GETTING MARRIAGE RIGHT-PART 4_{Getting the right marriage partner}_SMS-MARRIAGE-MATICS

GETTING MARRIAGE RIGHT - PART 4 {Getting the right marriage partner} SMS MARRIAGE-MATICS
By Pastor Richard Minet

(Getting the right partner)

After going through this Article. you will be able to know:
  • Why the person you marry goes a long way to determine what experience you have and what strengths and weakness you both enjoy as well as suffer.
  • Why you wrongly focus more on the weaknesses of the Family instead of the strength.
  • Why you should Stop seeing your spouse, judging and dealing with them only through their weaknesses

Gen. 24:19-23
And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw water for thy camels also, until they have done drinking. And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels. And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not. And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold; And said, Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in? ?
People believe traits, whether good or bad, must be from a family. In 1Sam. 17:55-58, when Saul saw David go out against the Philistine, he said to Abner, the commander of the army, “Abner, WHOSE SON IS THIS YOUTH?” O king Abner replied, As surely as you live, I do not know.” And the king said, “Inquire whose son the boy is.” And as soon as David returned from the striking down of the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand. And Saul said to him, “WHOSE SON ARE YOU, young man?” And David answered, “I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite.”


No tribalism, Discrimination in Christ, SMS Marriage-Matics
By Pastor Richard Minet


  • The breed of people you are to marry (kindred).
  •  No discrimination or tribalism in Christ Jesus.

Gen. 24:3-4
And I will make thee swear by the Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell: But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac. 

It is not possible to understand Abraham's insistence on his servant not getting a wife for his son Isaac from the Canaanites but from his own kindred, without understanding the word kindred.

The word kindred, means that which is not only related by blood or marriage but that which is similar in QUALITY and CHARACTER. This clearly spells one thing; Family!

Now the dictionary defines family as a group of living things with common characteristics and common source. Going by this definition, we can conclude safely that character is tied to source, or better still, that it is a product of source or again, that source is responsible for character.

At a very tender age, Timothy began manifesting great exploits in the faith, so much that at seventeen, he had become the bishop over the church at Ephesus. It did not take Apostle Paul a long search in finding the source of Timothy’s character trait. It was from his mother and his grandmother. Most of Timothy’s abilities were hereditary; they were in his family line.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Getting Marriage right, Conception and initiation of Marriage, Premarital Advice for successful Marriage SMS MARRIAGE-MATICS


  • What Marriage truly is, does or represents.
  • Marriage Conception and initiation.
  • What you are to do before saying Yes or No  

Gen. 24:2
And Abraham said to his servant, the oldest of his household, who had charge of all that he had, “Put your hand under my thigh, that I may make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell, but will go to my country and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son Isaac.” The servant said to him, “Perhaps the woman may not be willing to follow me to this land. Must I then take your son back to the land from which you came?” Abraham said to him, “See to it that you do not take my son back there.

Until our generation awakes to the realization of all that marriage truly is, does, and indeed represents, not only shall we continue to treat it with kids gloves, we shall continue to experience the worse of its ravaging and life threatening blows.

One of the first things to know about marriage from CONCEPTION, as we begin to nurse the thought of it, is that it is an INITIATION, OH YES! A very strong INITIATION. Marriage initiates those who venture into it, it JOINS them to something, reason God calls it a JOINING. Marriage JOINS YOU not only to somebody but indeed to SOMETHING, something you may or may not be aware of. Hence the sense in scripture saying; "Whatsoever, (Not whomsoever) but WHATSOEVER God has JOINED TOGETHER..."

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


Marriage-Matics, Formula for Successful Relationship

All you need to know about marriage, Mathematics of Marriage


Marriage-Matics-Manual Daily Marital Devotional_(A Daily Devotional for successful Marriage)

The Marriage-Matics Daily Devotional 
Will be out for sales in bookshops in Nigeria..  
To place your order call: 08024668915

 Marriage-Matics of Marriage and recipe for Successful relationship


#Marriage-Matics    @SMS With PRM


Hearty Cheers to our Daddy PST RICHARD MINET as he marks his BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION and INAUGURATION of the MARRIAGE-MATICS TALKSHOWand launch of MARRIAGE-MATICS DEVOTIONAL                                 

PRM Birthday Celebration & Inauguration of Marriage-Matics Devotional

PRM Birthday Celebration & Inauguration of Marriage-Matics Devotional

PRM Birthday Celebration & Inauguration of Marriage-Matics Devotional

PRM Birthday Celebration & Inauguration of Marriage-Matics Devotional

                                           #Marriage-Matics   @SMS With PRM

FINDING AND GETTING MARRIAGE RIGHT-(PART 1)_(catalog of a joyful, lasting and comforting marriage relationship)_SMS-MARRIAGE-MATICS

Catalog of a joyful, lasting and comforting marriage
By Pastor Richard Minet


(catalog of all that a joyful, lasting and comforting marriage relationship)
  • Catalog of a joyful, lasting and comforting marriage.
  • Secret to a comforting marriage.
  • Conception and initiation of marriage.

Gen. 24:67
And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac WAS COMFORTED after his mother's death.
Genesis 24:1-67
is indeed a catalog of all that a joyful, lasting and comforting marriage relationship represents. It covers everything, right from the conception of a marriage to the search, the finding, the proposal and the consummation of the marriage itself.

Several things in life can and have indeed been bequeathed; wealth, empire, estate, etc, but a good marriage? No!. No skill, carefulness, culture, character, education, wealth, power, fashion or beauty can offer this, a good marriage can only be given by God, the initiator of marriage.

Prov. 19:14
House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

DEATH IN THE POT (DEATH in our homes, marriages and relationships today)

Death in the Pot of Marriage
By Pastor Richard Minet

(Wild Olives in the Pot of Marriage)

  • Compromise of Faith and Philosophy
  • DEATH in our homes, marriages and relationships today.
  • Terrible practices or doctrines in the church today (DATING IDEOLOGY, DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE).
  • Cure to the death in our marital pot

2Kgs. 4:38-41.
And Elisha came again to Gilgal: and there was a dearth in the land; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him: and he said unto his servant, Set on the great pot, and seethe pottage for the sons of the prophets. And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew them not. So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof. But he said, Then bring meal. And he cast it into the pot; and he said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot.

All Satan needs to destroy Gods work is just a little mix up. Heresy is not only a belief that rejects the tenets of our core faith but also any philosophy or opinion that is at variance with it. In brief, it is simply a departure from the acceptable (scriptural) norms. Hence, any time truth is misrepresented, misinterpreted or suggested beyond it's boundary, it becomes heresy.

There's so much DEATH in our homes (marriages) and relationships today, this is due to certain terrible mix ups and additions that we have sheepishly admitted into the faith. Very much like the sons of the prophets with Elisha, the WILD VINES that we have gathered with our hands, rather than nourish us, are actually stifling the life out of us, causing death in our relationships and our marriages. 2Kgs. 4:38-41.

There are so many terrible practices or doctrines in the church today, the world has made a success of smuggling several heresies (wild vines) into the church in the name of marriage, such as THE DATING IDEOLOGY, DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE, trying to build our homes on the world's ROMANTIC MARRIAGE ILLUSION, etc.

While some of these practices or beliefs seem good, harmless and rationale, the truth is, they cannot withstand the challenges of daily marital affair. Most of these practices if we are sincere, rather than help us, our so called titanic and endless love stories today, has done more harm to us than good. Don't you get it, nothing else can work for the church besides what God ordains. Strangely, how can these practices that couldn't work for those who propounded it, now work for us?

But does the church have a manual for relationship and marriage or not? Yes it does. Again, are we patterning our relationships and marriages in accordance? No we are not. And why? Because the WILD OLIVES not only look better, they seem more popular, widely acceptable, smatter, more user friendly and more pleasurable to practice, except that it offers a promise that it cannot deliver.

Take the dating ideology for instance, it seems like a very smart practice, at least getting to know someone before you commit yourself and eventually make a mistake you can't correct for life. It seem more romantic, self gratifying and much easier to practice than the fasting and praying art to first hear the Holy Spirit just to tell if a person is the one or not, something anyone can easily tell by dating.

But as smart as the dating ideology seems, how many of those who dated got it right, if it is a smatter way, why are most relationships and marriages built on the dating ideology failing? Sadly God's way though surer, always seem crude, for instance, doctrines like first telling my Pastor I've seen someone I like before proposing, why should I do that when I'm not dumb, it feels better to finish the job and then tell later.

We must not fail to teach and enforce truth, this failure has opened the church today to several demonic practices that are killing marriages such as; a man insisting that his lady must be pregnant to ascertain her fertility before marriage and sadly, some of our churches go ahead and conduct a wedding with pregnancy. Husband and wife using a blue movie to learn or boost their sex life is against our doctrine, having sex before marriage to know if you are sexually compatible or if you have what it takes to match or satisfy each other or cohabiting before marriage, going to a man's house alone to cook, clean, wash, etc, to prove you are homely are clearly not our doctrine.

Some of these things that we think will help marriage are the very things causing death and the only cure is to CAST MEAL back into the pot. The cure for heresy is TRUTH, returning back to God's WORD, WAY and ORDER, whether it looks or feels good or not.

Trying to build or make your marriage or relationship work on the romantic theory concept, I.e. tell her "I love you" 7 times a day, write a love note and put it under his pillow, etc, are all good and should be encouraged, just that they are nothing but vanity in the time of swing mood or when the evil day arises. On such a day, all your selfie (pictures) you snapped to use to portray romance, all your beauty, pedicure and manicure will not cure the death facing your marriage then but the word of God, the way of God, the fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, meekness, temperance, forgiveness, etc, which you now so neglect, despise and consider crude, at the last will be the only saving grace for your home.

Open your eyes, stop investing and expending yourself on these ideologies, I.e. good sex, romance, shopping, cinema, good food, nice pictures, etc, are good but must not be gathered along or used in replacing the true meal, fasting, praying, listening, learning, following, reading healthy books on marriage, attending marriage counseling seminars, having devotional together, searching from God's word daily the doctrines of marriage, these are the only MEAL that can cure the death in our marital pot, anything short will be brewing death in our pot.

1. Give 3 reasons why you think God's way is better than some of our romantic ideologies.
2. Tell us why even though we know God's way is the better way, yet we somehow end up patterning our relationships after our own ideologies.

@SMS With PRM    #Marriage-Matics

Death in our homes, Marriages and relationship

I charge you to review your ideologies today, take a bold step to help revive dead marriages, so as to put an end to this marital death. Help spread the word by sharing this post..
Thanks and God bless you!


When Expectation exceed preparations, the bitter end of expectation
By Pastor Richard Minet

(The bitter end of expectation without preparation)

  • Failing Marriage today and the worst yet to come.
  • People getting married today without any knowledge or understanding of marriage.
  • Our preparation for marriage does not match our expectations.
  • The bitter end of expectation without preparation. 

Prov. 24:27
Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house. (ESV)

The rate at which marriages are failing today is so alarming. More terrifying or worrisome is the kind and class of people that are also involved in this break up (divorce) saga, Bishops, Pastors and all alike. While this should give us serious concern, going by scriptural prophecy, it seems the worst is yet to come. What is ahead of coming generations, may leave little or nothing at all to be desired of marriage.

1Tim. 4:1-3
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, FORBIDDING TO MARRY..., (ESV/KJV)
You want to know what exactly could happen that will make people detest getting married? A careful look at who and how people are marrying today, gives you a quick clue to this. Like I pointed in my book; "7 marriages that must not hold", too many people are marrying today who either have no business to or who have no understanding of marriage.

Sadly in this our time, many who wish to understand marriage and the preparations it requires or who feel they are not ready being incapacitated by factors like finance, timing, maturity or what have you, are forced by society, family and worse still, some, by even Pastors into marriage.

This Jesus predicted in Luke 17:26-27, when he said; Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and MARRYING and BEING GIVEN in marriage... The lesson here is that those who manage to say No, will be GIVEN, i.e. forced into marriage.

The problem with our generation is that once we hear so and so are engaged or planning to get married, we get carried away in jubilation, we hardly care to know who or what they are marrying or how they met, their background, if they have a pastor who will or have done marriage counseling for them and what preparations they have made for marriage, what matters to us is the wedding.

Our preparation for marriage does not match our expectations at all, our expectations far outweigh our preparation. When you hear statements like, "I will never endure marriage, my own is enjoyment all the way", "I'm not a fool o, if my own husband tries that with me, I'll return back to my father's house", then you know a person who's yet to receive marriage lessons.

For those who assume they are prepared, what they call preparation for marriage is actually, preparation for wedding or the joys and pleasures of marriage. Sadly for these, wedding and marriage are two different things, actually the marriage only begins after the wedding ends.

Considering the degree of hate, rancor, bitterness, rage, etc, that some one time best couples or lovers now harbour towards each other, which has made a lot of these not only a thorn in each others flesh but much more, the reason behind the alarming rate of abuse, violation and even manslaughter; husbands killing wives (vice versa) today, the need to enlighten our children better as to what and what to expect in marriage and how to prepare for these and not just the gown, the dinner and the romance is very vital now that the social media and entertainment industry more than ever before are giving our children false hope about what marriage is all about.

I strongly recommend the RCCG marriage counseling manual (To have and to Hold Forever) for anyone who is preparing for marriage or even for those already married. It is a marriage best seller. Lessons from choice of marriage partner, to what to do even before you embark on the journey, like knowing your blood type, to engagement and wedding ceremonies and how to go about them, handling extended family members, to issues of forgiveness in marriage, to communication, sex, finance, conflict management, divorce and remarriage, to matters we overlook most times such as; pregnancy, delivery and care of the newborn, etc, all of these are what young people should look forward to and not just the romance alone.
Be sincere with yourself, what exactly are your preparations for marriage, can you say they exceed your expectations. If you prepare adequately, nothing will take you by surprise. Those who usually back out most times prepared less, so let your preparation exceed your expectation.

1. Can you identify at least 7 great expectations that you have for marriage and how you hope to achieve them.
2. Can you identify 7 unexpected issues you hope never to experience in your own marriage and how you will react to or plan to manage them if they occur.

@SMS With PRM    #Marriage-Matics

Marriage-Matics,  expectation with zero preparation

At the end of this article you will understand why our marriages our failing today and the remedy to this menace. Don't keep this to your yourself, kindly share with friends. 

Thursday, 11 January 2018

MARRIED TO AN ANIMAL?_(Marriage between Man & Animal in Human form)_SMS-MARRIAGE-MATICS

Married to animals like human
By Pastor Richard Minet

(Marriage between Man & Animal in Human form)


  • Adam selecting Eve for a wife instead of an animal.
  • Language of Jesus that consummates marriage.
  • Examples of people who married an animal. 
  • The unbelievable result of marrying animals.

Gen. 2:18-24
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:.. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs..., and made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 

Several marriages take place on the altar of the Church as well as in our society today that should never have seen the light of day. Today all kinds of living things, both man and beasts have been unknowingly joined together in wedlock. The fact that two people wearing a suit and a wedding gown are able to find their way down the altar does not mean they are humans. The leadership of the church must therefore like never before open their eyes to ensure that animals are not joined to humans just because they could creep to the altar as husbands or wives.

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Richard Minet is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. A speaker, A Human Capital Developer/Empowerment Speaker. He is currently the a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Lagos Province xi. Tel: 08024668915, 07065718645 Email:



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Singles & Married Summit with Pastor Richard Minet is Christian forum where issues relating to relationships, dating, courtship, how to find your life partner and other marital challenges are treated with biblical proofs under a fun filled, word based, inspirational songs and Spirit lead atmosphere, with opportunities given for interaction, networking and entertainment of questions.




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Hello, my name is Richard Minet. A Speaker, author, teacher and Coach. I'm the convener of Singles and Married Summit. A Lagos based Outreach dedicated to preserving integrity and Christian values in relationships and fostering marital bliss across the nation.
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