- Investigation shows that some vendors sell sex toys worth millions of naira every month.
- The growing popularity of these sex robots raises many ethical issues.
- How can anyone speak of forming a "bond" with their lifeless dolls.
- Without Natural Affection.
- Pursuit of sexual passion is very damaging to the soul.
Rom. 1:24, 28, 31.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
In the midst of the biting economic crisis, forcing many Nigerians to go as far as committing
suicide, a sub-sector of the Nigerian economy has been reported by Saturday's PUNCH to be booming with smiles to the bank, courtesy of people lacking sexual fulfillment, married and singles alike. Their investigation shows that some vendors sell sex toys worth millions of naira every month.
suicide, a sub-sector of the Nigerian economy has been reported by Saturday's PUNCH to be booming with smiles to the bank, courtesy of people lacking sexual fulfillment, married and singles alike. Their investigation shows that some vendors sell sex toys worth millions of naira every month.
Sex robots are not only here to stay, but are becoming big
business and increasingly sophisticated. Today, there are dolls
that respond to touch, and others made with a promise to offer emotional
connection. Those buying can either go for a customised one or select
from a range of ready-made personalities, such as dolls that are kind,
shy, witty, daring or naive. There are a variety of porn-inspired
silicone dolls, some with freckles, different eye colours, piercings and
even some with manicured nails, the list is endless.
The growing popularity of these sex robots raises many
ethical issues, but it also forces us to ask questions about the very
nature of sex. What exactly is sex for? Is it merely the acquisition of
pleasure or a mechanism for orgasm, or is it something one experiences
with another person? While it's true that sex does not necessarily
involve intimacy or meaningful connection, and is certainly not always
mutually beneficial, mutuality remains it's key factor.
God created sex exclusively to be enjoyed by two married humans.
1 Cor. 7:2-3.
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
Looking at this, how can anyone speak of forming a "bond"
with their lifeless dolls. A man claimed; "I am starting to forge a real
relationship with my girls", while another argued, "It may be just a
sex toy to some, but my doll is way more than a mere sex doll to me."
There are men and women who, despite being married, who
prefer sex with their dolls to their living partners, who unlike these
dolls, they claim are complex to manage with their own interests,
feelings and lives. Dolls, on the other hand, have no particular
expectation, they have no needs to be met and no free will to be
exercised. You ALWAYS have their full attention,". Someone said It's
just nice to know that there is someone waiting on me without any
demands... She can't talk but at least she looks good sitting there
watching TV, something his wife "would only do for a few minutes, then
find things to be upset about."
But could anything exactly be wrong with this trend? Yes,
several things. First is the danger that priority is being given to
personal pleasure, as harmless as it may seem, when people pursue
pleasure, when sensual gratification becomes our drive, we unconsciously
become morally reprehensive, VILE, despicable in affection; Rom. 1:31,
SAYS we become; *...
WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION...,* that is to say,
things created by God for our good, no longer holds attraction for us,
things like sex that is designed to satisfy a need between a married
couples *"Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and
likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority
over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does
not have authority over his own body, but the wife does" I Cor. 7:3-4,
are given over to toys and robots, these now come to replace our duty of
satisfying our partners, thereby creating a hole in the hedge of the
unity in marriage. Again, scripture says we become; "... *Without
understanding,* with our affection diverted,
AFFECTION*and when this happens we become; implacable that is, nothing
natural can any longer assuage, appease or pacify our deadly hunger and
lust, and what follows, we become; *'vain in our imaginations, and this
causes our foolish hearts to become darkened". (Rom. 1:21) Professing to be wise, we became fools,* (22) *And then we change the
glory of the uncorruptible God into images* (toys, dolls, machines. (23)
Now through *the lusts of our own hearts, we DISHONOR OUR OWN BODIES
between ourselves, by changing the NATURAL USE into that which is
AGAINST NATURE,* (25-26) If we don't stop now, a time will come when
humans will be *LEAVING THE NATURAL USE OF THE WOMAN*and vice versa,
this is Satan's plot, that we *"BURN IN OUR LIST*(27) And through our
Friends, if we allow self gratification, our affection
tends to get totally distracted from matters of righteousness and this
is against God's plan for us. *"For this is the will of God, even your
sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that
each of you should know how to POSSESS HIS OWN VESSEL in sanctification
and honor, not in PASSION OF LUST, like the Gentiles who do not know
God" 1Thess. 4:3-5.
Pursuit of sexual passion is very damaging to the soul. A
single person in need of a sexual toy for stimulation is nothing short
of pursuit of pure passion. Aside from it being a sin, there is a danger
that one who becomes dependent on these tools in order to enjoy sex may
never know the joys of true sex in marriage, same for the married
@SMS With PRM #Marriage-Matics
@SMS With PRM #Marriage-Matics
1. Do you consider the use of sex toys among married couples wrong or dangerous?
2. If you do, please state 4 reasons behind your reasons.
Kindly drop your comments below.
1. Do you consider the use of sex toys among married couples wrong or dangerous?
2. If you do, please state 4 reasons behind your reasons.
Kindly drop your comments below.