By Pastor Richard Minet |
(Marriage between Man & Animal in Human form)
- Adam selecting Eve for a wife instead of an animal.
- Language of Jesus that consummates marriage.
- Examples of people who married an animal.
- The unbelievable result of marrying animals.
Gen. 2:18-24
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:.. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs..., and made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Several marriages take place on the altar of the Church as well as in our society today that should never have seen the light of day. Today all kinds of living things, both man and beasts have been unknowingly joined together in wedlock. The fact that two people wearing a suit and a wedding gown are able to find their way down the altar does not mean they are humans. The leadership of the church must therefore like never before open their eyes to ensure that animals are not joined to humans just because they could creep to the altar as husbands or wives.
There are two major lessons we must not miss in the first marriage arranged by God for Adam. First is what we saw that God did after saying that Adam needed a wife. Rather than give Adam a wife as expected, God instead, created animals and brought them to Adam so he could pick a wife from among them. This doesn't make any sense you must be thinking.
You see by the law of natural operations, the physical always comes before the spiritual. 1Cor. 15:46 tells us; Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
Going by this law, the first idea, thought or suggestion that likely occurs to you every time you plan to carry out any project, will most likely be physical or carnal. This is because the first rule, first man or order of things is always of the earth, EARTHY, 1Cor. 15:47 says; The FIRST man is of the EARTH, EARTHY...,
Same goes for marriage, the first woman or man to usually approach you or appeal to you, may not necessarily be your wife or husband. Adam had this understanding, hence he did not RUSH in making his pick but OPENED UP TO GOD'S HELP, hence he didn't pick an animal for a wife. In the same vein, those intending to marry must prayerfully discern as well as involve higher ally's in the screening process like Adam did, so as not to end up with an animal.
The second point that buttresses this fact is the language of Jesus that consummates marriage in Matt. 19:6, ..."WHAT therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder". But why would Jesus use WHAT for humans instead of WHOM? This is because God himself who made marriage knows that those who will refuse to let him help them in choosing their life partners may make the mistake of picking or accepting an animal for a spouse, and once this mistake is made, yours will no longer be WHOMSOEVER (man) but WHATSOEVER (animal).
Examples of people who married animals abound. In the bible days queen Esther can be said to have married an animal like man. How else would you describe a man who divorced his wife because she refused to come dance naked for his friends. Again, what kind of man will his own wife, require an entire nation (Israel) to join her in a three days dry fast, not because she wanted to go on a dangerous mission but because she JUST NEEDED to see her own husband; would you call this a husband or an animal?.
Where, who and how you marry is of great concern to God because he FORBIDS divorce. Thanks to the sacrifice of Esther in fasting, prayers and counselling which eventually gave her husband a changed heart. But why spend the rest of your life praying for God to turn your animal spouse into a man when you can simply marry the bone of your bone.
The result of marrying animals today are the unbelievable reports all over the place; husbands and wives are no longer just a threat but a thorn to each others flesh, with husbands killing wives and vice versa. May you never fall prey to animal marriages.
1. In what way like Adam can one know if a potential suitor is an animal
2. If after marriage you discover your spouse is an animal, what 3 things can you do to tame your animal spouse.
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I belief at the end of reading this article you will understand the why human being must never get married to an animal, and why you should lecture your friends, family and well wishers about the dangers of marrying an animal.
I implore you to drop your comments, opinions, questions and observations below.
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