Wednesday, 13 December 2017



A Daily Marital Devotional

Pst Richard Minet


Matt. 8:8-9
The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

One of the greatest ways to show gratitude for a favour done or a gift given you by God, is to move from WHAT God has given you, to WHY He gave you that thing. Knowing the reason for a thing and  acting in accordance not only is but also makes you RESPONSIBLE.

Why God gives you a thing is a greater reason than whatever thing it is that God gives you. If God has have given you a wife, question is; why? God may have given you a car, again, my question is why? If God gave you a promotion, a relationship, good wits or voice, beauty, position, or it could even be that He added you to a family, organization or group like this, etc, my question today still is; why? You see, it is only when you begin to ask WHY, that you begin to develop the spirit of responsibility.

Not knowing the reason for a thing leads ultimately to the abuse of it. Not knowing the reason for a pastor, husband or sex will definitely lead to its abuse. Why did God make JOSEPH A PRIME MINISTER? Was it so he could take out VENGEANCE on his brothers? No, not at all, rather, it was to save them in-spite of whatever they have done against him and the nation Israel and ultimately PRESERVE a LINEAGE for the Messiah.

And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, TO SAVE MUCH PEOPLE ALIVE. Gen. 50:19-20

You see, If Joseph had not known his WHY, he would have used that position wrongly and end up as an ingrate. Hence to know the reason for a thing compels you to take responsibility for it. And sir, nothing attracts God to a man like RESPONSIBILITY.

Did you know that it was irresponsibility that actually made God disqualify and reject the brothers of David? How do you explain a situation where men who had been in king Saul's army, seen and fought wars for years before David became anything, eventually left all of that to become SUBJECTS and FOLLOWERS of this same David, their younger brother whom they despised. 1Sam. 22:1-2. This is gross irresponsibility.

A close look at our text, shows two clear DIRECTIONS in which responsibility travels; UPWARD and DOWNWARD as illustrated by the Centurion. There are people and things you are responsible FOR and there are people and and things that you are equally responsible TO and it is your duty to FIND OUT Who or What you are RESPONSIBLE FOR and TO.

Irresponsibility begins when a man feels or assumes he is not responsible to anybody or for anybody. You may say "I DON'T CARE, IT'S HIS LIFE, WHATEVER HE LIKES LET HIM DO WITH IT" or even say "IT'S MY LIFE, NOBODY CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO,", etc, yet, this does not mean you are right does it? If after saying such a car knocks you down, your problem will still become that of those whom you claim you have no business with and vice versa. Why make yourself a LIABILITY when you can be more. Herein lies the secret of successful relationships and ventures.

If you are a wife, you are responsible TO and if a husband, you are responsible FOR. A child's is TO, a parent is FOR, an employee is TO, an employer is FOR, a citizen is TO, a leader is FOR, if you belong to a group like this, you are responsible TO its success, while the convener is responsible FOR your success, ultimately, there is no one who exists without responsibility.

To be responsible for, connotes that as a husband, you will give account of what becomes both of your wife and also your marriage. There is no such thing as; but I did my best, NO, not with God. And if a wife, you will give account for your responsibility TO how your husband finally TURNS OUT, regardless of how unfaithful, callous or careless he is now.

You see your responsibility TO and FOR compels you to ensure people finish well, it forces you to cry to God on their behalf. Thinking of the day of judgement gives you enough reasons why you just cannot walk away or let him be, and same goes for relationships, churches, organizations, people or even groups like this. Wherever, whatever position and with whomever you find yourself, you must realize you have a responsibility either TO or FOR them, regardless of whether they know or accept this.

Such an understanding, awakens you to forcefully taking oversight of the divine assignment, ensuring that God never suffers loss of those or things He joins you to, either your wife, kids, business, calling, anointing, church, group, etc. Eli suffered a fatal fate just for failing to take responsibility for how his kids turned out. May you not suffer eternal loss on account of those whom you are called TO or for those whom you are called FOR.


As this understanding differentiated Abraham from Eli, may it differentiate you from your peers in this generation. Gen. 18:17-19, 1Sam 2:27-30, 3:11-14

Father please open my eyes to the understanding of those I am responsible TO and FOR and please, help me to be dodged enough to fight for them and be wise enough to yield to them.


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Richard Minet is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. A speaker, A Human Capital Developer/Empowerment Speaker. He is currently the a Pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Lagos Province xi. Tel: 08024668915, 07065718645 Email:



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Singles & Married Summit with Pastor Richard Minet is Christian forum where issues relating to relationships, dating, courtship, how to find your life partner and other marital challenges are treated with biblical proofs under a fun filled, word based, inspirational songs and Spirit lead atmosphere, with opportunities given for interaction, networking and entertainment of questions.




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Hello, my name is Richard Minet. A Speaker, author, teacher and Coach. I'm the convener of Singles and Married Summit. A Lagos based Outreach dedicated to preserving integrity and Christian values in relationships and fostering marital bliss across the nation.
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